Sunday, August 26, 2007

Foot Tattoo

Foot Tattoo, originally uploaded by artnbody.

This is totally sweet. I have seen a lot of floral tattoos on feet, and usually they're just a band that goes around the ankle -- I like how this one snakes around. It's really delicate and nice.

Foot tattoos: Birdies!

blue bird / swallows tattoos
Originally uploaded by damselfly58
Lovely! Swallow tattoos traditionally mean that their wearer will always return home. So the fact that they're on feet is particularly poignant.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Foot Tattoos: Don't let your tattoo artist watch TV while he's tattooing you...

While not a video of a foot tattoo, this is a pretty important thing to keep in mind when you're going to go get a tattoo -- if the tattoo artist is actually watching television while he's tattooing might want to find another tattoo artist. Yikes.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Foot Tattoos: Curlicues

Tattooed Feet, originally uploaded by rosefirerising.

Amazing! These are very lovely. It looks almost like a henna tattoo design, but permanent. I like these foot tattoos very much.

Foot Tattoos: Starry feet!

Stary Toes, originally uploaded by Gwen-Gwen.

While not technically a foot tattoo (this was drawn on with sharpie), it's awfully cute!

Foot Tattoos: Video of Carp Tattoo

This is a really lovely piece in progress. Watching this video also gives a good idea of the kind of work that goes into the first steps in a more complex piece.

Foot Tattoos: Regarding the Pain...

Found a great article on BMEink -- a fantastic resource for any tattoo information you could need -- on getting a foot tattoo.

She was told: "You know that's gonna hurt like a motherf*&er" -- which seems to be the accepted wisdom around foot tattoos. Any tattoo that doesn't have a lot of fat underneath it is, in fact, very likely to hurt like a motherf*&er. And there are a lot of nerves down there in the foot.